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True North Labs: Pioneering a Holistic Approach to Business Growth in the Cannabis Wellness Space

At True North Labs, we’re proud to be known as one of the best wellness solutions providers out there.
April 24, 2024
Company News

True North Labs: pioneering a holistic approach to business growth in the Cannabis wellness space

At True North Labs, we’re proud to be known as one of the best wellness solutions providers out there – and we think that’s largely down to our fantastic team of product formulators based in Pfyn, Switzerland. We’ve been lucky enough to work with some great names globally, such as Tilray in the UK ( on their fantastic brand Pollen ( and numerous other innovative projects across multiple regions.

With that in mind, we felt that it was essential to understand and help our partners across multiple vectors of the cannabinoid category. Accordingly, we’re delighted to announce, as you can see when you peruse our shiny new website, that our offering now extends out across multiple vectors and challenges that your business might face.

Whether it’s sourcing and producing the most unique, effective wellness solutions out there, which has historically been our core strength, or looking into the medicinal side of things, or indeed creating your brand and helping with those more strategic elements of launching a business – we’re here to help.

We like to think of ourselves as problem-solvers. And let’s face it, this industry can place more obstacles and complications in your way than most! Legislative landscapes are rarely consistent from market to market and often highly fluid, meaning that what’s “OK” today may not be allowed tomorrow. Equally, for many businesses having a partner that understands the import/export environment can be a huge help.

Let us be that help.

We have managed to grow expertise in all significant areas of product or concept creation, and we are very excited to be able to share this expertise with businesses that are looking to create the best products for their consumers. We love working with teams that have set themselves these big challenges, as it shows that they share our values for creating and executing superior products that will surprise and delight users and/or patients.

Our core offering can now be broken down into three main areas:

1. Producing/sourcing/improving your wellness solutions (and problem-solving such as with packaging, logistics, import/export challenges, product quality/consistency/efficacy).
2. Medical-grade solutions such as helping to create, develop and/or produce an unlicensed CBPM (cannabis-based product for medicinal use in humans) with you.
3. Branding, strategy, design. This is particularly useful if you need help with your concept, branding, creating a look and feel, target audience analysis etc. We particularly enjoy this element as it helps us help you create better products with a tighter consumer and occasion in mind.

It’s very exciting for us to be able to offer solutions across these three vectors, as we feel that these are the core elements for businesses in our sector to get right, whether that’s in a medicinal or consumer context. Additionally, one of our unique points, and a key reason our clients enjoy working with us, is that when working with us, we effectively offer an in-house NPD or innovation team with clear accountabilities, project timings, budget control and regular stage-gate sign-offs. This discipline means that businesses can rely on us to run projects on their behalf and be sure of timely and profitable outcomes.

We’re delighted to be able to say that True North Labs can now offer a holistic viewpoint and approach on any project or challenge you might face, from inception to execution, and offer you support on any aspect of your cannabinoid-based product creation journey. We’ve helped clients define brand names and concepts, including occasion strategy (when people should use your products), need-state analysis (why people would buy it), and the fundamentals of why their brand exists (your brand purpose). We’ve also helped with more specific or technical challenges, like ensuring greater product consistency and effectiveness for existing brands or helping them run innovative products as the next generation of cannabinoid-based products come to fruition. Vapes, transdermal patches, other delivery mechanics, innovative and high-quality packaging…. We’ve looked at this all and delivered successful projects in all these areas.

CBD and Cannabinoid Products for brands

So, whatever the context or situation of your challenge or issue, we encourage you to reach out to us, and let’s start a dialogue which will lead to a successful outcome for everybody – especially your consumers. We are your problem-solving partners and are always keen to speak to people and businesses who share our values of consistently delivering improved customer experiences. The CBD category is evolving fast from market to market, regulation to regulation, and product to product, and we are right at the front of it from the perspective of our knowledge and expertise. We’re confident that we’ll be able to help you and look forward to getting involved with your project.

Remember, Cannabis is not all about getting high, it’s about getting better, and our mission is to create solutions that empower better health.